このような、あらゆるもののはたらきの中に「神」を感じる宗教観は『古事記』では「八百万(やおよろず)の神」という言葉で表されている。6 世紀になると、日本人は仏教伝来をきっかけに、「神道」として意識するようになった。神道は、キリスト教やイスラム教などの世界宗教とは異なり、土地と結びついた日本固有の民族宗教である。
神道には稲作儀礼と祖先崇拝が含まれ、収穫の祈願・感謝などの春秋の祭りが盛んに行われてきた。それは各地に継承され、今日でも、11 月23 日に天皇自ら行う新嘗祭(にいなめさい)をはじめ、伊勢神宮や全国の神社の祭りに息づいている。
【英訳文】007=Origins of Shinto
The Japanese archipelago’s ① warm, humid ② climate, abundant③ nature, and clear rivers have nurtured in people a sense of harmonizing with nature and
preferring ④ cleanliness ⑤ , and have given rise to beliefs rooted in these natural features. The Japanese people have found divinity ⑥ in the natural world and have carried out rituals and purifications ⑦ of mind and body in keeping with their reverence and gratitude for it.
In the Kojiki(Records of Ancient Matters), the religious sense which thus sees “kami” in all things was expressed as “the myriad ⑧ of gods.” In the sixth
century, with the arrival of Buddhism ⑨ , Japanese first became aware of “Shinto or Shintoism.” Unlike world religions such as Christianity ⑩ and Islam, Shinto is an ethnic religion connected with the land of Japan.
Rice cultivation ⑪ rituals ⑫ and ancestor worship are included within Shinto, and spring festivals of praying for a good harvest, along with fall festivals of giving thanks for the harvest, have both been carried out extensively. These have been handed down in various places. Even today, rituals such as the Niinamesai, wherein the Emperor himself takes in the first of the rice harvest on November 23, as well as rituals at Ise Jingu and the other shrines throughout the country, are still very much alive.
① archipelago (アーキペラゴウ:列島)② humid (ヒューミド:湿気の多い)③ abundant (アバンダント:豊かな)④ preferring (preferプリファーの~ ing 形:より好む)⑤ cleanliness (クレンリネス:清潔)⑥ divinity (ディヴィニティ:神性)⑦ purifications (purification ピュアリフィケイションの複数形:浄化)⑧ myriad (ミリアド:無数の)⑨ Buddhism (ブディズム:仏教)⑩ Christianity (クリスチアニティ:キリスト教)⑪ cultivation (カルティヴェイション:耕作)⑫ rituals(ritualゥリチュアルの複数形:儀式)
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