【日本文】102 和食の奥深さ
2013 年に和食がユネスコの無形文化遺産に登録された。長い歴史を経て今に伝わる和食は、自然を尊重する日本人の精神を表した食に関する社会的慣習といえる。
【英訳文】102 The Depths of Japanese Cuisine
Japanese cuisine① was registered② as a U NESCO intangible③ cultural heritage④ in 2013. Japanese cuisine, handed down to the present across a long history, can be said to be a social custom⑤ of meals expressing⑥ the spirit of the Japanese people’s respect for nature.
Japanese cuisine has several characteristics⑦ , such as: 1) Intimate⑧ connection with y early e vents such as the celebration⑨ of the New Year and rice planting. 2) Use of fresh harvests⑩ from the land and sea with seasonal⑪ and geographic⑫ diversity⑬ . 3) Beautiful presentation showing forth nature. 4) Healthy diet with excellent nutritional⑭ balance.
In recent years, Japanese people have been eating out more often, and homemade meals are increasingly Western. However, local communities are trying to preserve Japanese cuisine by providing local food for school lunches and at local events, cooking local foodstuffs⑮ in a campaign o f “local production for local consumption⑯ ,” and promoting dietary education activities at classes for parents and children.
① cuisine (クウィズィーン:料理) ② registered (register ゥレヂスタの過去分詞:登録する)③ intangible (インタンヂブル:無形の)④ heritage (ヘリティヂ:遺産)⑤ custom (カスタム:慣習) ⑥ expressing (express イクスプレスの~ ing 形:表す) ⑦characteristics(characteristic キャラクタリスティクの複数形:特色)⑧ intimate(インティメイト:密接な)⑨ celebration (セレブレイション:祝い)⑩ harvests (harvest ハーヴィストの複数形:収穫物)⑪seasonal (スィーゾヌル:季節の)⑫ geographic (ヂーオグラフィク:地理的な)⑬ diversity( ディヴァースィティ:多様性)⑭ nutritional( ヌートリショヌル:栄養の)⑮ foodstuffs(foodstuff フードスタフの複数形:食材)⑯ consumption (コンサンプション:消費)