



【徳川幕府の聖地】日光は、古代以来の山岳信仰の聖地であった。1616年、徳川初代将軍・家康の霊廟(れいびょう)である東照宮が造営された。その後も全面的に大規模な造り替えが行われ、日光は徳川幕府の聖地となっていった。 Shrines and Temples of Nikko (Tochigi Pref.) 【The Sacred Site of the Tokugawa Bakufu】From ancient times, Nikko was sacred ground for mountain worship. In 1616, Toshogu was erected as a shrine for the founding Tokugawa shogun, Ieyasu. Thereafter, a total and full-scale reconstruction was carried out, and Nikko became a sacred site for the Tokugawa bakufu.


【東南アジア諸国などとの交流で花開いた文化】琉球列島は15世紀前半、それまでの三王国の分立から琉球王国に統一された。その間に形成された城(グスク、首里城が有名)など、国際色豊かな文化が形成された。 Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu (Okinawa Pref.) 【A Culture which Flowered through Exchange with the Countries of Southeast Asia and Elsewhere】In the first half of the fifteenth century, the Ryukyu islands, which had been divided among three kingdoms, were unified into one Ryukyu Kingdom. A richly international culture developed during this time, such as castles ( gusuku, of which Shuri Castle is famous) and other features.


【深い山々が南の海に迫るという独特の地形】修験道の拠点や熊野信仰の中心地、さらに真言密教の根本道場の三大霊場と、これらの霊場を結ぶ参詣道から構成される。1200年以上もの間、毎年多くの人びとが巡礼のために訪れる。 Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range (Nara, Wakayama, and Mie Prefs.) 【The Unique Terrain of Deep Mountains Stretching South to the Sea】Comprises the three major sacred sites of the base of shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism), the heartland of the Kumano faith, and the main dojo (seminary for the Buddhist priesthood) of Shingon esotericism, as well as the Sankeimichi (pilgrimage route) which connects all of the sacred sites together. This site has been visited by many pilgrims each year for more than one thousand and two hundred years. 【4】に続く(文責=育鵬社編集部M)
英語対訳で学ぶ日本 ――歴史と文化の111項目

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