



【世界に知られた銀の産地】石見(いわみ) 銀山は、戦国後期から江戸前期にかけて最盛期を迎えた日本最大の銀山。国内のみならず東南アジア全体の経済発展に貢献した。石見銀の採掘・精錬から運搬・積み出しに至る鉱山開発の総体が評価された。 The Remains of Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and Its Cultural Landscape (Shimane Pref.) 【The World-Renowned Silver Production Site】The Iwami Ginzan silver mine, once the largest silver mine in Japan, was at its peak production from the latter days of the Sengoku (Warring States) Period to the early Edo Period. The mine contributed to the economic development, not only of Japan, but also of Southeast Asia as a whole. The Iwami mine’s development in general was highly regarded, from excavation and refining to transportation and shipment.


【浄土思想に基づいた奥州藤原氏の建築・庭園】平泉は、12世紀の本州北部において、浄 土思想に基づき造営された政治・行政上の拠点であった。浄土思想は、来世とともに現世の平安を願い、仏教の阿弥陀如来の極楽浄土信仰を中心とするものである。 Hiraizumi: Temples, Gardens and Archaeological SitesRepresenting Jodo or the Buddhist Pure Land (Iwate Pref.) 【Oshu Fujiwara Architecture and Gardens Based on Jodo or Pure Land Thought】Hiraizumi is the homeland for politics and administration carried out based upon Pure Land thought in the twelfth century in northern Honshu. Pure Land thought was centered on the Paradise Pure Land faith of the Buddhist Amitabha, which sought peace of mind in this life and the next.


【日本を代表し象徴する名山】その威厳のある山容と断続的な噴火は宗教的な霊感を人々に抱かせた。古くから、富士山では登拝が行われてきた。また、富士山を描いた葛飾北斎の『冨嶽(ふがく)三十六景』は、西洋絵画の発展に影響を与えた。 Fujisan: A Sacred Object of Worship and Source of Artistic Inspiration (Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefs.) 【The Famous Mountain Which Represents and Symbolizes Japan】Mt. Fuji’s majestic shape and intermittent volcanic eruptions have inspired religious sentiments in people. From old times, Mt. Fuji has been climbed as an act of reverence. Also, Katsushika Hokusai’s “Thirty-Six Views of Mt. Fuji” has influenced the development of Western painting. 【5】に続く(文責=育鵬社編集部M)
英語対訳で学ぶ日本 ――歴史と文化の111項目

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